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Employer Branding

Who cares about candidate experience?

Candidate experience is a hot topic in the world of HR and recruitment. Go to many workshops, seminars, conferences and somewhere and at some point the topic of candidate experience will be discussed.
But what does it really mean? When someone applies for a job are they consciously evaluating their own candidate experience? Does being rejected from a job mean you are more likely to talk negatively about an employer just because you weren’t successful?
As an employer, how seriously do you take it. Are you measuring it? What tools do you have in place to improve your candidate experience?
What is a bad candidate experience?
What is a good candidate experience?
Job Applicants – what are your experiences?
Has your view of an employer changed as a result of a poor experience? Has it ever changed your behaviour as a consumer or customer of a particular organisation? Any examples – good or bad – would be very interesting to share.
Recruitment Agencies – do you care?
Some recruiters have told me in the past that they’re not interested in employer branding. Their job is to get people through the door. What happens after that is not their responsibility. Is that the same with ‘candidate experience’? Does everyone share that view?
In-house recruiters
How do you measure it? Are you measured by it? How seriously does your organisation take it? What do you  do about it and do you have the support mechanisms in place to make real change? Do you treat your candidates as customers? Or does it feel like an overwhelming problem that no one is quite sure how to tackle? Is it something viewed as a problem or an area to innovate and develop?
Going through an applicant tracking system is one of the major gripes with job hunters. But there are many new companies providing a more CRM approach and  additional technologies to engage with candidates more effectively. Do they work? Or is it all just lip service and marketing spin?
Candidate experience is spoken about as a problem, but is it really a problem to solve or an innovation to develop?
I’m interested to know views from all sides so please comment and share.

About Nick Price

Employer branding and communications, insight and engagement, talent attraction and HR analytics


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